Php 5,000-P100,000

3% interest rate

3-18 months to pay

  1. Must qualify with the eligibility criteria of MEMPCO’s General Lending Policy.
  2. Must be a regular employee.
  3. Must not be due to retire/resign from work.
  4. Must have a net take home pay of at least P5,000 monthly or P2,500 semi-monthly.
  5. Must have an ATM card (EMV-ready) where salary is credited
  6. Must have at least two (2) co-makers: 1 family member & 1 co-employee
  1. Two (2) valid original and photo-bearing Identification Card (ID) of the borrower (including Barangay Official ID)
  2. Two (2) pcs. 2x2 picture
  3. Certificate of Employment and Income
  4. Recent two (2) months payslip
  5. Recent one (1) month bank statement
  6. ATM card (EMV-ready) where salary is credited